Dwarves zipped in suitcases steal from Swedes

By Lucy Cockcroft
Last Updated: 2:11am GMT 28/01/2008


Criminal gangs are using dwarves in a ruse to steal from the luggage holds of long-distance coaches, by hiding them inside suitcases, according to police.

The bizarre crime is on the rise in Sweden and officers say thieves have got away with thousands of pounds in cash, jewellery and other valuables in recent months.

 Dwarves zipped in suitcases steal from Swedes
The dwarves hide themselves and their loot in bags

Gangs are said to sneak the dwarves into the luggage hold, hidden inside baggage.

Then, once the journey has begun, the stowaways are free to rifle through the bags of other passengers without fear of being apprehended.

Before the coach arrives at its destination the dwarves take their loot back into their suitcase, zip themselves inside and wait to be collected by their partners in crime.

Swebus, which takes thousands of British tourists on holiday across Sweden, is among the coach firms targeted.


A spokesman said: “We have had reports about several thefts by dwarves on the stretch between Vasteras and Stockholm.

“We’re thinking of installing video cameras.”

Police in Stockholm have warned the scam is becoming a problem.

A spokesman said: “We are looking at our records to identify criminals of limited stature.”

Criminal dwarves have often been featured in books, film and folklore.

The Artemis Fowl book series by Irish fiction author Eoin Colfer has a character called Mulch Diggums, a kleptomaniac dwarf.

And in the Austin Powers spoof spy movies Dr Evil’s equally villainous side-kick is a dwarf named Mini-Me.



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