14.1.2008 | 17:52
Member of Japanese Diet Doubts Official 9/11 Fairy Tale
Kurt Nimmo
Truth News
January 12, 2008
Dont expect the New York Times or CNN to report on Fujita Yukihisas grilling of Japanese PM Fukuda over the official 9/11 fairy tale.
Yukihisa is a member of the House of Councillors in the Diet, that is to say the national legislature of Japan, and his questions about the transparent sham that is the official version of events is indeed a big deal but not as important in America as the travails of Britney. Yukihisas presentation was all the more important due to the fact he was the Chief Cabinet Secretary under former PM Junichiro Koizumi in 2001.
Although we dont yet have an English translation of the video taped from Japanese television now appearing on YouTube, the 911.video.de site posted the following, apparently a translation from Japanese:
On January 11th 2008 member of Parliament Yukihisa Fujita of the Japan Democratic party, made a 20 minute long statement at the House of Councillors, the upper house of the Diet (parliament) of Japan. He questioned the official version of 9/11 presented to the Japanese government and the public by the US administration in a session of the defense commission.
He asked the current Prime Minister Fukuda who was the Chief Cabinet Secretary under Koizumi cabinet in 2001.
How could terrorists attacked the Pentagon?
He asked whether Terrorism is crime or war. Some Japanese people were killed, so he believes this was a crime, so Japanese police should investigate the real suspect even though Japanese government assumed that the suspect was Al-Queda since Bush told Koizumi so and sent the self-defense force to Iraq. Can Japanese police arrest president Bush if he was one of the suspects?
The statement was made in connection with the discussion about the renewal of the Japanese logistic assistance program for the US navy in the fight against terrorism.
US President George W Bush has recently pressed Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda to ensure Tokyo resumes crucial naval operations to support the war in Afghanistan. The Japan Democratic party which is in the opposition is blocking the resumption of the mission,which supplies fuel and water to US-led forces operating in the Indian Ocean.
The government wants to continue and to be part of the fight against terrorism. The opposition argues that the operation has not been approved formally by the United Nations. It claims that oil supplied by Japanese ships has been diverted for use in operations in Iraq, an accusation the Americans deny.
The government has made changes to the legislation which authorizes the mission. It has to be renewed every year after approval by parliament. The new law says Japanese ships can only refuel and supply water to vessels on anti-terrorism patrols. Ships involved in military operations whether they be attacks, rescue operations or humanitarian relief will not receive Japanese supplies.
Yukihisa Fujita did question Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba and Minister of Finance Fukushiro Nukaga about the way in which the US government did inform the Japanese government about the people responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
Mr.Yukihisa Fujita stressed that of the 24 people that died on 9/11 only 13 were identified and 11 bodies remain unaccounted for. He pointed out that there was never an official police investigation into the deaths of these japanese nationals.
He then explained that in the USA many people doubt the official version of 9/11 and numerous websites and scientists have collected evidence that contradicts the governments version..
He presented several largescale photographs of:
a) the Pentagon entry and exit hole
b) the flight path towards the Pentagon
c) the exploding WTC towers
d) the WTC 7 collapse.He concluded that the japanese governments support of the war against terror is solely based on information provided by the US-administration. He demanded further investigation in the face of the governments drive to support the war more actively.
Yukihisa Fujita was elected to the House of Councillors for the first time in 2007
The Democratic Party of Japan (Minshinto) is a social liberal political party founded in 1998 by the merger of several smaller parties.
It is the second-largest party in the House of Representatives and the largest party in the House of Councillors, and it constitutes the primary opposition to the long-dominant Liberal Democratic Party.
Here we have a respected Japanese politician asking on public television if Bush can be arrested in connection with events of September 11, 2001, and the corporate media finds this unworthy of publication or even mention in passing.
But then, of course, the neocon corporate media, snugly in bed with the defense industry and long ago sold down the river by the CIAs Operation Mockingbird, has ignored the coming out of former Italian president Francesco Cossiga, who declared the attack was a CIA and Mossad operation. As well, they have ignored former German Intelligence Minister Andreas von Bülow, who stated his informed belief that 9/11 was orchestrated at the highest level of the U.S. government.
Once again, another important news story is relegated to the memory hole.
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Baldur Fjölnisson
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Þetta er risavaxið. Ætli þetta komi í íslenska ruslpóstinn? Þeim tókst að þaga um ummæli fyrrum ítalska forsetans.
Gullvagninn (IP-tala skráð) 15.1.2008 kl. 10:11
Það verður víst ísöld í helvíti áður en það gerist.
Baldur Fjölnisson, 15.1.2008 kl. 10:39
En á meðan við bíðum er hér smá lesefni:
Pentagon's PSYOPs: Information Warfare Using Aggressive Psychological Operations
Transnational Elites and Pernicious Globalization
The New Age of the Technocratic Elite
Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era
Hacking Democracy
Bhutto’s Assassination: Who Gains?
Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job
Baldur Fjölnisson, 15.1.2008 kl. 10:50
Naomi Wolf: America's Fascist Coup Owes Legacy To Bush's Nazi Grandfather
Baldur Fjölnisson, 15.1.2008 kl. 10:51
Vakandi fólk á vefnum verður að halda svona upplýsingum á lofti fyrst að meginstraumsmiðlarnir sofa værum svefni áhugalausir.....eða hræddir?
Georg P Sveinbjörnsson, 15.1.2008 kl. 13:49
Auðvitað þorir ruslpósturinn ekki að skrifa um þetta. Springi málið í loft upp þarf að fangelsa/lífláta eiginlega alla valdaelítu Bandaríkjanna og megnið af massaruslpósti landsins. Það er nefnilega líka glæpur að hylma vísvitandi yfir með morðingjum og stríðsglæpamönnum. Glæpalýðurinn mun því halda áfram að ljúga af stað stríð og drepa saklaust fólk til að bjarga eigin skinni. Og siðblindingjar á ruslpósti þar og hér mun kóa með sem fyrr.
En málið verður bara því erfiðara því lengur sem það er hunsað.
Baldur Fjölnisson, 15.1.2008 kl. 15:33
ah... Brzezinski bók... á aðeins $492 :-) Það er nefnilega málið með þessar leyndó-bækur, okkur er ekki ætlað að vera að gramsa mikið í þessu. Heppni að Carrol Quigley var endurútgefin og fáanlegur á amazóninu á venjulegu verði.
Góðar fréttir fyrir ykkur fróðleiksþyrsta, hún er til í bókhlöðunni! Það er nefnilega ekki sjálfgefið að þessar alvöru bækur séu keyptar af okkar ágætu bókasöfnum. Hér er kóðinn, ég hef nóg að lesa eins og er:
Lbs-Hbs Þjóðarbókhlaða30 dagarÍ hillu4. hæð302.230973 BrGullvagninn (IP-tala skráð) 15.1.2008 kl. 18:29
þetta eru sleggju linkar hjá þér Baldur, maður verður eiginlega bara að hætta að vinna og leggjast í lestur
Gullvagninn (IP-tala skráð) 15.1.2008 kl. 18:31
Hvernig vitið þið að þessi opinbera saga um atburðina 11. sept. er sannleikanum samkvæmt, spurði japanski þingmaðurinn.
Hann Bush fullvissaði hann Koizumi okkar um það.
Minnir það ekki á trúgjarna vini Bush og kó hér á landi?
Núna segir Mogginn að það séu "miklar líkur" á að Bush fari með rétt mál þegar hann staðhæfir að Íranir moki peningum í "hryðjuverkamenn" hér og þar. Það þýðir víst ekki lengur að reyna að ljúga fram gjöreyðingarvopn og þá er bara að hörfa í næstu lygi. Hver er annars nógu vitlaus til að raunverulega trúa því að efnahagslegur dvergur sem hefur verga þjóðarframleiðslu á við Finnland hafi hernaðarmátt til að ógna "allri heimsbyggðinni". Jú, þeir hinir sömu sem gleyptu á sínum tíma við ómögulegum tröllasögum frá raðlygurum um efnahags- og hernaðarlega dverginn Írak.
Baldur Fjölnisson, 15.1.2008 kl. 19:03
Gullvagn, ég gleymdi
Happy reading.
Baldur Fjölnisson, 15.1.2008 kl. 23:25
Þetta klikkaði víst hjá mér en endilega gúglið
Proactive, Preemptive Operations GroupBaldur Fjölnisson, 15.1.2008 kl. 23:27
Það eru kanar sjálfir, sem eru að dæla peningum í öfgaöflin fyrir botni miðjarðarhafs. Common strategig sense. Hvað mynduð þið gera til að liða í sundur lönd, sem þið ásælist vegna auðlinda?
Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 18.1.2008 kl. 19:15
Jamm, flottir linkar hjá þér. Verst að það þyrfti í raun að stofna sjónvarpstöð og tímarit, til þess að koma þessum upplýsingum út. Bandaríkin hafa breyst úr lýðræði í Guðræði (Theocrasy) frá því Regan komst að. Það er samt samerkt með slíku í sögunni að guðræði er undanfari falls. Síðustu krampakenndu viðbrögð deyjandi stórvelda.
Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 18.1.2008 kl. 19:20
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.