China blocks US Navy use of Hong Kong. Bush administration voices outrage.

Russia condemns US missile base system in eastern Europe. Russia sees system as a Cuban missile crisis in reverse.

Ahmadinejad on Africa trip. Iranian calls for future Islamic Summit in Dakar.

White House Special Counsel erased computer files. Was conducting investigation of Karl Rove.

Bush's Chairman of National Economic Council leaving. Al Hubbard a Harvard pal of Bush.

Chavez accuses CNN of psyops. Says network suggests his assassination. Of course, CNN used US Army psyop trainees as production interns during Balkans war.

Suit filed against Blackwater. Lawsuit alleges Blackwater gurads who murdered Iraqi civilians were pumped on steroids and high on drugs.


Bush continues Middle East "peace" photo op summit today at White House. Bush providing support for "full employment for Tony Blair" program.

Musharraf "takes off his uniform." Move is mere window dressing for dictatorship.

Abu Dhabi buys 5 percent of Citigroup. Robert Rubin hammers out deal.

"Lobby" entity criticizes Kucinich for comments about Ron Paul. Pro-Israel group suggests that Paul is backed by neo-Nazis and is not strong for Israel.

Sarkozy at it again. Arson and riots spread from Paris to Toulouse. "Sarko the Psycho" is playing with his matches again; vows crackdown.

Democratic campaign donor Oscar Wyatt, Sr. gets a year in prison. Pleaded guilty in neocon-contrived Iraq "Oil for Food" scandal.


COUNTRY FOCUS: ARTICLE OF THE DAY: Gabon. Omar Bongo celebrates 40 years on Gabonese "throne." Leader has changed his name repeatedly in the manner of Mobutu of Zaire.



Group documents widespread vote fraud in Ohio in 2004. Ohio Attorney General asked to to open criminal investigation of 04 election. Cleveland Plain Dealer calls investigation a "conspiracy theory."

Condi Rice is Bush's "date" at Australia state dinner. WMR previously reported relationship between Bush and Rice. Laura Bush was a half of world away in Washington DC when Bush announced his date was Rice.

Book burning: Arab-style. Billionaire Arabs push censorship to democracies that permit press freedom. This is another plank on the ship of globalization.

Details of contract fraud and bribes arise in Iraq. Investigation could lead to General David Petraeus. Col. Ted Westhusing was investigating this fraud in Iraq when he was said to have committed "suicide." His superior officer at the time was Petraeus. The "Surge" may be a bunch of senior Army officers being locked up at the Fort Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks.

Bush's French friend's English sounds an awful lot like an imitation of Inspector Jacques Clouseau. Maybe he will say Bush looks like a "minkee."

1976 Air France hijacking to Uganda staged by Israel as a "false flag" operation. Binyamin Netyanyahu's brother, Yoni, and a British grandmother, Dora Bloch, died in the operation.

Blackwater involved in rendition of prisoners. Company headed by right-wing Christian lunatic supports Bush administration's torture program. Very Christian. It's what "Jaysus" would do.

U.S. seeks extradition of former Comverse CEO Jacob "Kobi" Alexander from Namibia. The Israeli-born Alexander's company Comverse was cited in Justice Department memos as being possibly being involved in wiretapping of Justice Department, including FBI, surveillance systems.

U.S. Navy planned to overthrow and kill Maltese Prime Minister Dom Mintoff in the 1980s.

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