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Milli þess sem miðaldamunkar riðluðust hver á öðrum suðu þeir saman þessa biblíusteypu sem menn hafa verið á flótta með síðan eftir því sem almenn upplýsing hefur aukist.

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Jehovah Finally Comes Out of the Closet!

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1 Smámynd: Baldur Fjölnisson

Hommaskapurinn skín af ævintýri þessu enda það greinilega hnoðað saman af hommum og bíbímönnum. Kvenmaðurinn er vandræðalegur statisti og einhvers konar undirmálsgrein en samt notaður sem hinn allsherjar blóraböggull.

Baldur Fjölnisson, 14.11.2007 kl. 11:06

2 Smámynd: Baldur Fjölnisson

Þetta er náttúrlega vandræðalegt enda sífellt verið að reyna að slípa hlægilegasta rugl þessa Jehova af ævintýrinu eins og allir sjá. Vonandi verða Samtökin 78 fengin til að að útbúa næstu skrautútgáfu pólitísku rétttrúnaðarkirkjunnar.  Hommafóbía stafar oftar en ekki af bældum tilhneigingum og konfliktum sem því fylgja.

Baldur Fjölnisson, 14.11.2007 kl. 21:31

3 identicon

Þetta er fín pæling, það er hægt að sjá hvernig biblíurnar hafa verið "aðlagaðar" í gegn um tíðina:

[Grein] On that last note let's return to a scripture mentioned above—the one telling how David "exceeded" when he was hugging and kissing Jonathan. What does that odd, puzzling word in I Samuel 20:41 mean? To be exact, no one seems to know, although they acknowledge that the original Hebrew word (gadal) means to grow, to become large, etc. Okay, let's use that definition and put the scene into perspective: Two young virile men who are deeply in love are embracing and kissing and David "grows large." Come on folks! Does it take a Ph.d. in physiology here to figure out what happened? David, one of the bible's premier sex perverts, had an erection while making it with his lover Jonathan!5

[King James]  41And as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.

[New International]  41 After the boy had gone, David got up from the south side of the stone and bowed down before Jonathan three times, with his face to the ground. Then they kissed each other and wept together—but David wept the most.

Gullvagninn (IP-tala skráð) 18.11.2007 kl. 08:08

4 Smámynd: Baldur Fjölnisson

Ég mæli alveg sérstaklega með þessum greinaflokki öllum:

Things You Never Heard in Church Series

For the Love of God!

While recently driving through the backwoods of Arkansas, I noticed a prominent sign posted in someone's front yard. It read: "God Is Love". I had seen or heard this "sentiment" many times before, but as I drove along on that beautiful fall day I started reflecting on what these words truly mean. The biggest, fattest truth of all is that no such god exists either in or out of Christian scriptures—that indeed the Christian god is the antithesis of love, the proof of which begins in the opening chapters of the bible. . . . Read the entire article

Satan: The Lies, the Myths, the Human Tragedy!

(From the back cover of the original booklet:)

Is the Christian concept of Satan the Devil a myth? Some few Christians say yes, while the majority seemingly hold tightly to the New Testament teaching: Satan is the adversary of God and man; he stalks this earth as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour; he is the god of this world; he is the serpent of Eden who brought about the fall of mankind with his lies; he is the father of lies, and is that red dragon of Revelation. Lucifer, Beelzebub, the Prince of Darkness; Satan is the evil one with whom all humanity must contend before they can hope for salvation.

As a former fundamentalist Christian I once believed and preached the above concept of Satan. In the Devil I found the reason for all this world's ills. This all changed when I was faced with a series of challenges several years ago. In this booklet I will take the reader on a brief but somewhat detailed tour of my journey towards the rejection of Christianity's Satan doctrine and the realization that, good or bad, we are all completely responsible for our own deeds. . . . Read the entire article

Jehovah Finally Comes Out of the Closet!

Reaction from my recent article detailing the horrors of the Holy Bible and its offspring, the Holy Inquisition, was mixed. Some thought it was too strong, while others argued that those who killed in God's name weren't true Christians. One man placed the blame squarely on Roman Catholicism. "Protestantism", he stated, was/is not "a bloodthirsty faith!"

Let me remind this man, and all who think like him, that until the sixteenth century there was only one Christian Church in the West; there was only one officially-recognized bible translation, which is the same bible that gave legitimacy to the horrors of the Inquisition, and which gave life to the King James translation. In short, the history of the Holy Inquisition IS the history of Protestantism. And good god what a history! . . . Read the entire article

The Truth About Our
Judeo-Christian Heritage

How many have just once stopped to consider the real root of the murder and chaos of the Middle East? Judging by what I read and observe, very few. But those of us who keep up with the behind-the-scenes news and understand the suppressed history of the region, know the answer to that question. Ultimately the cause for the nightmare in the Middle East is religion—Islam, Christianity and Judaism—three religions that claim the same god as their supreme deity killing in his name. In his name the leaders of the "three great religions" use their "holy" writings to justify their political aims.

In my efforts to combat this madness, I have, in other articles, examined the history of Christianity, its politics, its "holy bible" and all the holy terror wrought in its name. Here I want to step outside Christianity and look at another gargantuan lie, which is now being accepted by the majority of Christian denominations as truth, and which is adding to the horrors of the world. I'm referring to the myth of Judeo-Christian heritage. . . . Read the entire article

Where Christianity Really
Got Its Old Testament

Mark Twain once observed that most human tragedies don't come from basic ignorance, but from a profound belief in lies: "It's not from things we don't know, but things we know that aren't so" that will harm us, he warned. How true! There is nothing more deadly than people dedicated to the preservation of lies which they regard as truth—and most especially if those lies carry the stamp of "divine revelation."

From the dawn of time to the present, looming over mankind's historical horror-drama existence is the hoary image of an approving god and his army of sanctimonious ministers with their "divine revelations."

"Divine revelation" tossed new-born babies into the sacrificial fires of Molech. "Divine revelation" offered virgins on the altars of the Aztecs. "Divine revelation" sent hoards of Israelites into Canaanite villages to rape, hack, slice and pillage. "Divine revelation" shredded and burned bodies during the Holy Inquisition. "Divine revelation" bayoneted, shot and exploded countless millions in countless Christian wars. It is "divine revelation" that inspires a man to strap dynamite around his body, walk into a crowded Jerusalem street and blow himself and a hundred people into oblivion. And, just as bad, it was "divine revelation" that inspired George W. Bush to invade Iraq in 2003 and kill hundreds of thousands of people. . . . Read the entire article

Genesis: In the Beginning!

When one opens their bible to the first book they read something like this: "The First Book of Moses Called Genesis". Over the millennia billions of faithful have lived and died believing that Moses wrote Genesis and the four books that follow. Since we have seen that this was not the case, that indeed numerous and unknown hands composed the five books of Moses over the course of centuries, then we should keep in mind that the bible opens on a foundation of fraud.

Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." First of all, we have no hint as to the identity of the author of those words. We know he is not "Moses." Moreover, we are not told by whose authority the author writes, nor how he came by the information he presents. We know one thing, which is that the writer wasn't there when God did the creating, so he's not relating firsthand information. And so, at the very beginning of the bible the reader must accept on faith the honesty of an anonymous person who purports to explain the mysteries of the universe and to speak for God. . . .Read the entire article

The Real Israelite Exodus
(It's not quite the way Charlton Heston told us!)

In the last segment we left our heros in Goshen, where God had cunningly led them by hitting all of Canaan with a severe famine, meaning widespread disease, suffering and death. Not long after this we read of Jacob/Israel's death and how his sons returned his body to Canaan for burial. Simple enough tale, noble deed, except (true to form) Genesis 50:13 tells that Jacob was buried in a cave at Machpelah bought from Ephron the Hittite, whereas Acts 7:15-16 declares he was buried in a sepulchre at Shechem, bought from the sons of Hamor. Okay; admittedly it's a slight imperfection in God's infallible word, but it does portend the shape of things to come in "the second book of Moses, called Exodus".

As we crack our bibles to Exodus chapter one, keep in mind that (as with Genesis) we don't have the foggiest idea who wrote the book—no hint of the author's identity or how he knew the things he relates as God's truth. Perhaps this is just as well since archaeology proves beyond doubt that the extraordinary tales of Exodus NEVER HAPPENED! However, not letting a little thing like "truth" stand in our way, what do you say we follow the herd and treat Exodus as a serious work? . . . Read the entire article

How Christianity Got
Its New Testament

Not so very long ago I was one of those fundamentalist Christians who stubbornly held that the bible was the inspired word of God and was therefore completely infallible. "Every word in the bible is God-breathed," I used to preach to my fellow fundamentalists who would instinctively shake their heads in agreement. But this belief began to come apart at the seams when I concluded a long-overdue bible study and had to finally admit that the "infallible" Christian bible contained hundreds of contradictions and discrepancies. This conclusion, in turn, led me to a thorough examination of Christian Church history and how the bible came to be. The shocking truth essentially sounded the death-knell for my life-long Christian faith. It was then that I was forced to finally admit that I, along with a few billion other Christians, had been the victim of the world's greatest and longest-running hoax! . . . Read the entire article

In the Name of God—
Be HEALED (and Die!)

For the first forty years of my life I lived by one simple rule: If it was found in the bible it was beyond question—it was as sure as the law of gravity! But the inflexible beliefs of a fundamentalist Christian often places one in situations not faced by the casual bible believer; more so if they possess an above average measure of common sense. Sooner or later a fundamentalist Christian true to his conscience must face some hard questions.

In time this fundamentalist Christian asked and answered those hard questions. Several web pages, three full length books and countless articles document that journey. However, of all the Christian doctrines I have exposed as frauds, none quite measure up to the evil of faith healing. And none was as devastating than Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God (WCG) empire, which was headquartered on a lush 50 acre estate in the heart of old Pasadena, California. As a former ministerial assistant to the man who would eventually succeed Armstrong, I was an eyewitness to the human devastation wrought by this man's rigid healing doctrine—a doctrine Armstrong took directly from the pages of "God's word!" . . . Read the entire article

Bible Legends, Sticks & Stones

You're a Christian and it's Sunday morning. Like countless millions you put on your Sunday best and go strolling down the street towards your neighborhood church to praise the Lord. But, just like those countless millions, you haven't the foggiest idea from whence came all those symbols and trappings that adorn your faith. Come all ye faithful, loosen your ties, unsnap your girdles and sit down for a few because yours truly is about to spill the beans on yet one more thing that you've never heard in church! . . . Read the entire article

Baldur Fjölnisson, 19.11.2007 kl. 09:33

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Baldur Fjölnisson


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