Can Physics Rewrite History?

Can Physics Rewrite History?
A compilation of physical impossibilities & overlooked evidence
in the official explanations for the destruction of the
World Trade Center Complex
by C. Thurston
updated 11/06
This report is divided into the following sections:
The Structures
Considerations Regarding Fire
Fuel for the Fires
The Tower Impacts
The Official Theories
Dramatic Features of the Tower Destruction that are Ignored by All the Official Theories
The Mysterious Collapse of WTC7
Final Considerations and Conclusion
I feel a sense of urgency over this issue because it involves the dangerous influence of a powerful, highly organizing but factually incorrect set of beliefs that continues to have a strong hold on the minds of many Americans -- and many others as well. These beliefs inherently create an unconscious mental disconnect from factual reality that has been exploited as the basis for drastic changes in law and policy that would have been otherwise impossible.
I am wary of any belief -- whether it be mine or someone else's -- if it is formed with little or no substantial verification. I'm learning to consider the possibility that a tempting new belief may have been engineered to serve the purposes of others unknown to me.
My independent research efforts into this matter are of a volunteer nature and are motivated by a desire to learn the truth about these events. Even if you disagree with my conclusions I hope you can at least share my intentions. This report is primarily an information assist for others who may also be looking into these questions on their own.
The information presented here can be easily verified and/or expanded upon with simple internet searches. Many good sources are available. Independent research is a healthy exercise for anyone's critical and logical faculties -- it is also a profound opportunity to reclaim control of the future.
How were three steel frame high-rise structures completely destroyed on 9/11? Many conflicting theories are being put forward, but unlike most of history's unanswered puzzles, the destruction of the WTC Towers and the mysterious collapse of WTC7 are matters of physics. We cannot even begin to define the crime of 9/11 until we have a basic understanding of the indisputable physical events that we all witnessed. The consideration of who had the means, motive and opportunity can only begin once we know what actually happened!

Existing photographic and video evidence that has undisputed authenticity and is a part of the public record presents a number of striking problems with the belief that the airplanes initiated a chain of events that ultimately destroyed the Towers, and of course Building 7 was not hit by an airplane. To clearly see these problems, it is helpful to have a little background on materials behavior and the design of the Towers, and an awareness of some of the distinct and remarkable features of the events themselves. ........

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1 Smįmynd: Baldur Fjölnisson

How the towers fell
Richard Gage, AIA

Parts I & II – "WTC Building #7 and Twin Towers – Controlled Demolitions?"
(2 hours)
Part I: "WTC Building #7 – A controlled demolition?" (45 min.)
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
University of Manitoba

9/11 Blueprint: The Architecture of Destruction
September 5, 2007
Interview with Bay Area architect Richard Gage, AIA, about the organization he has formed, "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth". Outreach to architects and engineers; presentations to the public and to professionals; the physical evidence of controlled demolition of the World Trade Center twin towers and building seven.

We The People Radio Network,
Carol Brouillet Interviews
Architect Richard Gage, AIA

June 11, 2007

Truth Revolution Radio
Architect Richard Gage, AIA

May 14, 2007

Video:  WTC 2 Explodes

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

Baldur Fjölnisson, 9.10.2007 kl. 20:36

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