Nýjung á farsímamarkaðinum

Leiðbeiningar (sem enginn les) sem fylgja símum á borð við Iphone, Blackberry, Motorola ofl. innihalda orðið viðvaranir um skaðsemi þessarra tóla. Amk. "hálfgerðar" viðvaranir. "Keep the mobile device at least 2.5 cm. from your body when transmitting" segir Motorola. Sama hjá Blackberry, 1,5 cm. hjá Iphone. Osfrv.

Þetta stafar að sjálfsögðu af vaxandi kvillum, sjúkdómum og dauðsföllum sem hafa verið að koma fram eftir því sem þessi tól hafa verið lengur í notkun og notkun þeirra aukist. Hér á landi hafa td. hundruðir ef ekki þúsundir manna blaðrað ótæpilega á kostnað skattgreiðenda í samfleytt  15 ár eða lengur og bera ýmis flök í æðstu stjórn landsins þessi reyndar sorglegt vitni. Heilaskemmdir eru ólæknandi og versna með aldrinum og jafnframt verða flök þessi valdameiri og valda því meiri skaða. Þetta er sem sagt sjálfstortímandi kerfi og blasir það svo sem allt við og hefur gert.

Ef það versta sem getur komið fyrir farsímafíkil er að fá krabbamein og deyja þá hlýtur maður að spyrja sig sem svo hvað um meðalslæm áhrif eða jafnvel mild. Eru það kannski vægar eða miðlungs heilaskemmdir. Kannski Alzheimer um þrítugt? Farsímafyrirtæki kosta pólitísk hóruhús þannig að það er borin von að hórurnar ræði það sem gæti komið sér illa fyrir kostendur þeirra og fyrirtækin auglýsa mikið í ruslveitum þannig að ekki verður þessi umræða þar. Kannski er öllum bara fjandans sama.


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1 Smámynd: Vendetta

Það hefur aldrei sannazt nein tengsl milli annars vegar vægra rafsegulbylgna (eins og í farsímum og í 50 m fjarlægð frá háspennulínum) og hins vegar krabbameins, þrátt fyrir ítrekaðar tilraunir. Þessar leiðbeiningar eru þarna einungis vegna hugsanlegrar skaðabótaskyldu, ef ske kynni að framleiðandinn yrði dreginn fyrir dóm ella (með avöruninni getur hann firrt sig ábyrgð að miklu leyti).

Í Bandaríkunum þar sem gilda mjög strangar reglur um ábyrgð seljanda (svo strangar, að mörg evrópsk fyrirtæki þora ekki að flytja út vörur þangað), má sjá alls konar meira eða minna asnalegar viðvaranir, dæmigerð er viðvörunin "Don't swallow the battery".

Vendetta, 9.12.2010 kl. 20:59

2 Smámynd: Baldur Fjölnisson

Það er greinileg aukning á heilaæxlum og æxlum annars staðar í höfði og það þó farsímar hafi ekki verið í almennri notkun nema í 10-15 ár. Viðskiptahagsmunirnir eru miklir og því er líkt og með tóbakið í denn reynt í lengstu lög að ljúga og svíkja þessa hluti út úr umræðunni. En það gengur ekki til lengdar. Nú á dögum reykja orðið eiginlega aðeins geðsjúklingar og fíklar sem eru jafnframt háðir öðrum alvarlegum fíkniefnum en samt dreifir fíkniefnabrask hins opinbera þessum óþverra þannig að líkurnar á að sú siðlausa glæpamaskína í eigu viðskiptahagsmuna upplýsi þig ótilneydd um skaðsemi farsíma eru núll komma núll.

Baldur Fjölnisson, 10.12.2010 kl. 01:02

3 Smámynd: Baldur Fjölnisson

Hidden health risk in mobiles: Phone giants accused of burying warnings in small print

By Sean Poulter
Last updated at 3:03 AM on 10th October 2010

Health risk: Mobile phone firms have been accused of concealing warnings about their handsets

Health risk: Mobile phone firms have been accused of concealing warnings about their handsets

Mobile phone firms have been accused of concealing warnings about the health risks of using their handsets.

A warning that Apple’s popular iPhone should be kept at least 15mm away from the body is buried deep inside the manual.

BlackBerry goes even further, saying customers should use their devices hands-free or keep them an inch from the body ‘including the abdomen of pregnant women and the lower abdomen of teenagers’. Again, this advice is hidden in the instruction booklet.

All other manufacturers, including Nokia and HTC, carry similar small-print warnings despite insisting that holding mobiles against the ear and head is harmless.

Health campaigners and politicians on both sides of the Atlantic are calling for clear warnings to be put on handset boxes.

They are also demanding a public education campaign, starting in schools, to advise on the safe use of the devices.

Alasdair Philips, of Powerwatch, an independent group which investigates the safety of mobile phones, said: ‘Most people have no idea about these warnings.

‘The safety advice should be included on the boxes and far more prominently in the “getting started” section of user guides and not just in the detail at the back that hardly anyone reads.

‘This should be only part of a much wider public education campaign that begins in the schools.’

The safety advice in manuals is designed to limit so-called Radio Frequency exposure. This is said to heat body tissue and some – inconclusive – research suggests it is linked to tumours in the brain.


Blackberry torch: Use hands-free operation if it is available and keep at least 0.98in (25mm) from your body when turned on and connected to the wireless network. Reduce call time. 

Apple iPhone: When using near your body for voice calls or for wireless network data, keep iPhone at least 15mm (5/8in) away from the body and only use accessories that do not have metal parts. Again maintain at least 15mm separation from the body.

Nokia C6: Maintain a normal use position at the ear at least 15mm (5/8in) away from the body. Any accessory should not contain metal and should position the device the above-stated distance from the body.

Most RF exposure comes from the antenna and it can increase when a phone is kept in a pocket because phones increase their power output when a network signal weakens.

Men who carry handsets on their belt or in their pockets with the keypad facing outward will suffer higher exposure because the antenna, which is always at the back, is close to the body.

SAR – Specific Absorption Rate – is the standard industry measurement for the amount of RF energy the body absorbs.

Mr Philips said: ‘When a phone has to power up, it sends high SAR power into the trunk and towards the kidneys and liver. It can be the testicles if in a trouser pocket.

‘Some girls carry them in chest bags which hang just below their breasts. Breasts, eyes and testicles absorb external RF energy the most. Blood-rich organs, such as the liver, kidneys and heart are among the top energy absorbers.

Advice: Campaigners say pregnant women should keep their handset away from the growing foetus in the first six months

Advice: Campaigners say pregnant women should keep their handset away from the foetus in the first six months

‘The ovaries and foetus are relatively well protected by the trunk, but it obviously makes sense to keep the handset away from those areas, especially the foetus in the first six months. Many later-life causes of ill health are increasingly being recognised as having their roots in foetal exposure to chemicals, hormones, radiation of various sorts.’

He said most handsets also put out pulsed ELF magnetic fields which travel further into the body than RF signals. These are associated with childhood leukaemia and some adult cancers.

Caroline Lucas, Green Party leader and MP, said: ‘Greens have never said don’t use mobile phones, but we have always said that as with any other technology, we need to make people aware of any potential risks and give clear guidance regarding the safest possible use, so we can get the maximum benefit from the technology with the least possible risk.’

Mobile phone firms are legally required to advise customers on how to minimise RF exposure and use their manuals to do so.

Michael Milligan of the Mobile Manufacturers Forum said: ‘A mobile phone can always be used up against the head without the need for this separation, because phones are designed to have the antenna far enough away from the head when making a call.

‘Every mobile phone model is tested to make sure they meet national and international exposure limits for exposure to Radio Frequency emissions, before they can be sold in the UK or elsewhere.’

However, many new phones are so slim, antennas will be closer to the head than distances recommended by many manufacturers.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1318992/Mobile-phone-health-risk-Phone-giants-accused-burying-warnings-handsets-small-print.html#ixzz17fcRh7vC

Baldur Fjölnisson, 10.12.2010 kl. 02:03

4 Smámynd: Baldur Fjölnisson

Watch Video (10 minutes): Evidence for Cellular Stress-Heat Shock Protein Activation, Part-1; Martin Blank, PhD, Columbia University
( Source: http://bit.ly/aCpTO3 )

Watch Video (10 minutes): Evidence for Cellular Stress-Heat Shock Protein Activation, Part-2; Martin Blank, PhD, Columbia University
(Source: http://bit.ly/bkzFiU)

- - - -

Read: "LONG-TERM MOBILE PHONE USE AND BRAIN TUMOR RISK", By Dr. Lennart Hardell. American Journal of Epidemiology
( Source: http://bit.ly/9FbiLm )

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Read: "The Bioinitiative report." The Evidence showing harm is overwhelming -- In 2007, the Bioinitiative Working Group, an international collaboration of prestigious scientists and public health policy experts from the United States, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, and China, released a 650-page report citing more than 2,000 studies (many very recent) that detail the toxic effects of EMFs from all sources.
( Source: http://www.bioinitiative.org/report/index.htm )

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DNA DAMAGE IN HUMAN BLOOD: Chromosome Damage and Micronucleus Formation in Human Blood Lymphocytes Exposed In Vitro to Radiofrequency Radiation at a Cellular Telephone Frequency
( Source: http://www.rrjournal.org/doi/abs/10.1667/0033-7587%282001%29156[0430%3ACDAMFI]2.0.CO%3B2?journalCode=rare )

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Read: Regular mobile phone use linked to tinnitus: Regular use of a mobile phone for more than four years almost doubles the chance of developing tinnitus the debilitating condition that causes constant ringing or buzzing in the ears.
( Source: http://bit.ly/9t0dm8 )

- - - -

Read: "Cellphones and Brain Tumors 15 Reasons for Concern "
( Source: http://bit.ly/bu1MTj )

- - - -

Also, the question you need to ask yourself is "Why do cell phone manufactures like iPhone, Motorola, etc. include into their user-manuals instructions to `keep your cell phone away from your body when in use?"
( Source: http://www.youtube.com/v/F4bp7Zi_8pk )


Baldur Fjölnisson, 10.12.2010 kl. 02:15

5 Smámynd: Sigurbjörn Friðriksson

Ætli að Svavar Gestsson og Steingrímur J. hafi notað þessa síma óvarlega síðustu árin??  

Eitthvað sýnist mér örla á líkum afleiðingum hjá þeim og þú ert að tala um........ algjörir örvitar......

Kveðja, Björn bóndi   

Sigurbjörn Friðriksson, 11.12.2010 kl. 20:25

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